Getting the Deal Through: Initial Public Offerings 2024 - Denmark
Thomas Weisbjerg, Lars Lüthjohan, Daniel Gharabaghi Stückler and Liva Kellberg have authored the Danish Chapter of the Lexology's Getting the Deal Through: Initial Public Offerings 2024.
The guide provides a quick reference guide enabling side-by-side comparison of local insights into initial public offerings (IPOs), including market overview (size, issuers and exchanges), rulemaking and enforcement bodies, listing requirements (authorisation process, prospectuses, publicity and marketing, enforcement), timetable and costs, corporate governance (typical requirements, allowances for new issues, takeover rules and anti-takeover devices); foreign issuers (special requirements and selling foreign issues to domestic investors), tax issues, investor claims (fora, class actions, claims, defendants and remedies), and recent trends.
For more information about GTDT – Initial Public Offerings, visit Lexology’s website by clicking here.