
Virksomhedsoverdragelser (M&A)

Lige meget om virksomheden er stor eller lille, kræver succesfulde virksomhedsoverdragelser grundig forberedelse kombineret med et effektivt forhandlingsforløb. Med Mazanti Transactions som rådgiver er du sikret et erfarent, effektivt og forretningsorienteret team af advokater med en veldokumenteret baggrund fra adskillige transaktioner.

Mazanti Transactions rådgiver inden for alle områder af danske og internationale virksomhedsoverdragelser og fusioner og på tværs af brancher, herunder regulerede virksomheder.

Vores rådgivning omfatter:

  • Køb og salg af virksomheder
  • Fusioner, spaltninger og omstruktureringer
  • Private placements, ventureinvesteringer, joint ventures, management buy-outs/-ins og andre private equity transaktioner mv.
  • Overtagelsestilbud vedrørende noterede virksomheder og andre kapitalmarkedstransaktioner (ECM).

Mazanti Transactions yder juridisk rådgivning med kommerciel forståelse og bistand til projektledelse og planlægning af alle elementer i processen:

  • Planlægning og strategi
  • Fastlæggelse af transaktionsstruktur
  • Due diligence, datarum og processtyring
  • Strukturerede auktions- og budprocesser
  • Udarbejdelse af transaktionsdokumenter
  • Forhandlinger
  • Finansiering og implementering af transaktionen
  • Transaktionsforsikring (W&I-insurance)
  • Ledelsesaflønning og incitamentsprogrammer
  • Fusionskontrol
  • Gennemførelse (closing)
  • Opfølgning, implementering og integration efter opkøbet

Vi arbejder tæt sammen med firmaets øvrige specialafdelinger for at sikre, at alle juridiske områder kan afdækkes med kort varsel og høj kvalitet, og vores stærke relationer til advokatfirmaer i bl.a. Europa og USA sikrer, at vi kan tilknytte de rigtige udenlandske rådgivere på internationale transaktioner.


Mazanti Transactions is recommended by the international rating publication Legal 500. Client statements include:  

We have one line of contact for legal assistance – very efficient and well functioning – but as Mazanti have a broad variety of partners, we have been able to get assistance in very specialised cases – with the confidence that the company knows us and we know them.

Always on hand for advice, holistic, yet detailed knowledge. And last but not least VERY approachable.

The team is put together with thorough consideration of the task at hand. If there are specific challenges outside the immediate team’s area of expertise, relevant associates or partners are brought in to advise on these specific tasks.

The team excelled in communicating with each other – always up to date on the M&A process, challenges, status, and ‘need to know’ for the specialist involved. All members of the team were professional, competent, and proactive in keeping a speedy process.

The commercial, corporate and M&A practice of Mazanti-Andersen is outstanding. We appreciate the collaboration greatly and find the practice both value-creating and solution-oriented. The venture capital team of Mazanti-Andersen is the best in town.

Large corporate and M&A team; they definitely know the market practice and will use your time efficiently

Very much hands on with full partner attention into all matters

Very efficient and pragmatic lawyers

The law firm demonstrates strong communication skills and availability

The team consistently demonstrate a keen ability to navigate complex legal landscapes and find practical, effective solutions within M&A transactions

The lawyers handle complex and sophisticated matters very well due to their high level of experience as well as their readiness to be up to date on all aspects within the scope

The team is fantastic. The insight they have into our business and their ability to merge a focus on solutions with protecting the business is outstanding

Mazanti-Andersen always provides timely, precise and thorough answers and supporting material related to our legal requests

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