Advokat (H), partner

Claus Høxbro

Claus Høxbro rådgiver en række danske virksomheder om erhvervsretlige forhold og har indgående kendskab til alle faser af projektudvikling af fast ejendom, herunder udvikling af samlede forretningsplaner for ejendomsprojekter eller investeringer bl.a. for udenlandske kapitalfonde.

Claus Høxbro er medlem af bestyrelsen i en række danske erhvervsvirksomheder og har undervist i selskabsret på advokatsamfundets kurser.

Speciale inden for



Laila Kynde

+45 2646 3361 lky@mazanti.dk


Claus Høxbro has been our trusted adviser for more than 20 years, he knows our business and our way of thinking and he is able to provide creative solutions and focus on our goals to achieve the best possible solution in a challenged market. Claus has created a team around him together with his college Lars Hammer Wemtoft that really work for us. Claus has high morals and business standards.

Claus Høxbro has been our main lawyer for more than 20 years. He knows our business, our values the way we think, and is creative and out of the box thinking, and we trust he always has our business in mind in his advice.

Claus Høxbro is very structured, focused on the business development and on the specific cases. He has a good overview and is creative and solution-oriented

Karriere og uddannelse

  • 2011
    Partner (equity), Mazanti-Andersen
  • 2004
    Partner, Rønne & Lundgren
  • 2003
    Konsulent, Advokatfirmaet Eversheds
  • 1996
    Møderet for Højesteret
  • 1991
    Partner, Dania Advokater A/S
  • 1989
    Junior partner, Advokatfirma Schwartz
  • 1987
    Advokat, Advokatfirma Schwartz & Dalskov
  • 1984