Mazanti-Andersen releases Series Seed Equity Financing documents through its online resource Mazanti PULSE
Mazanti-Andersen has launched a new package of series seed investment documents on its microsite mazantipulse.com. Making these documents publicly available through a free of charge document generator will enable startups and early-stage investors to access legal documents of high quality and to streamline the process for raising capital at the seed stage.
Mazanti-Andersen launched the microsite mazantipulse.com, an online resource delivering legal updates, market insights and free legal documents to players in the venture capital and private equity industry, in 2019. The site features a unique document generator, which now also comprises investment documents for series seed equity financing, including Term Sheet, Investment Agreement and Shareholders’ Agreement.
The document generator enables entrepreneurs, investors etc. to create fully customized versions of investment documents by completing an online questionnaire - a procedure that will simplify the legal paperwork process free of charge. All documents made available in the document generator are developed and maintained by the Mazanti Transactions team, who has successfully assisted Danish and foreign fund managers, corporate VCs, founders, business angels and other investors for decades.
“Legal advice related to venture capital and private equity is one of our core competencies. We have a desire to actively contribute to the ecosystem by sharing our knowledge and seeking new innovative ways to improve the legal process for founders and investors. All too often we experience a time-consuming need to ‘clean up’, why we aim to raise the bar and help set a standard in the market. And we have the prerequisites for doing so. Additionally, we believe that it’s not our documents that make us valuable as highly specialized attorneys - it’s the complex advice behind them and our role throughout negotiations where complexity increases and experience matters”, says Jakob Mosegaard Larsen, one of the leading partners in the Mazanti Transactions group.
Mazanti Transactions has gained a reputation as market leaders within fund formation and venture capital investments through long-term cooperation with Danish and foreign managers, corporate VCs, founders, business angels, Active Owners Denmark (previously DVCA) and Invest Europe. The team is recommended in the 2020 edition of the international rating publication Legal 500 as being the leading team in Denmark within venture capital. Mazanti Pulse is managed by the Mazanti Transactions team and is backed by the comprehensive insights of all attorneys at Mazanti-Andersen.
Visit the site and document generator here: www.mazantipulse.com
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