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Advokat (L), partner

Nina Henningsen

Nina Henningsen er specialist inden for IP-ret og Medie & Entertainment, herunder Gaming & Gambling.

Nina leder Mazantis afdeling for IP og Media & Entertainment og er anerkendt som en af de førende rådgivere inden for sit felt. Hun rådgiver om komplekse ophavsretslige problemstillinger og har omfangsrig erfaring i at rådgive nationale og internationale virksomheder om alle forhold vedrørende stiftelse, udnyttelse og håndhævelse af IP-rettigheder, herunder i forbindelse med transaktioner.

Gennem årene har Nina været involveret i en lang række højt profilerede sager vedrørende medie- og underholdningsindustrien. Hun bistår en lang række førende nationale og internationale mediekoncerner, TV-stationer, produktionsselskaber og forlag om deres brug af ophavsrettigheder og rådgiver i forbindelse med forhandlinger med danske og internationale forvaltningsselskaber i sager om klarering af ophavsrettigheder vedrørende de mange nye distributionsformer for radio, tv og musik på alle platforme, herunder eksempelvis "catch-up" TV, SVOD og APPs. Hendes mangeårige erfaring betyder desuden, at hun har et indgående branchekendskab og et omfattende internationalt netværk.

Nina har endvidere omfattende erfaring i at rådgive i sager vedrørende sociale medier, sportsrettigheder, tv-formater, reklamer og computerspil. Hun bistår internationale online spiludbydere og platformsleverandører og rådgiver om alle aspekter af den danske spillelovgivning, herunder den komplicerede tilladelsesprocedure, compliance-forhold, markedsføring, varemærkespørgsmål, aftaleindgåelse samt de regulatoriske spørgsmål i forbindelse med internationale transaktioner.

Nina holder ofte oplæg under nationale og internationale konferencer. Hun er medlem af bestyrelsen i Foreningen for Entertainment- og Medieret, sidder i IBA’s Media Law Committee og er medlem af Dansk Selskab for Ophavsret og IMGL (International Masters of Gaming Law).


Nina har bidraget til en række internationale udgivelser om Gaming & Gambling, herunder Gaming Law - Trends and Developments in Denmark (Chambers 2024), Gaming Law - Law and Practice in Denmark (Chambers 2024), Gambling Laws and Regulations Denmark (ICLG).

Speciale inden for

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Legal 500
Media & Entertainment - Hall of Fame
Gaming & Gambling - Global Market Leaders, Band 1
TMT Media - Band 2
Best Lawyers
Media Law

Client statements include:

Nina Henningsen is a well-known expert within the gaming and gambling industry and in the general media business. She has high skills on copyright issues including those that arise from new technology such as AI.

Nina Henningsen is the best in gaming law in Denmark. She is charming, sharp and super responsive.

Nina Henningsen’s strength is a good network – she is well connected when it comes to government relations..

Nina Henningsen is my go-to contact for all things related to gaming and gambling in the region. She is an amazing professional. She is a very knowledgable on the gaming and gambling regulation but also on the market.

Nina Henningsen is very strong and has broad industry knowledge.

Nina Henningsen of Mazanti-Andersen has consistently produced high quality advice for our clients on gambling laws in Denmark. It is always timely, commercial and easy to understand. Truly our go-to lawyer in this jurisdiction. Nina has profound and lengthy expertise in this sector.

Nina Henningsen is by far the most experienced media and entertainment lawyer in Denmark.

We have worked with Nina Henningsen over many years and she has always been excellent and insightful with extensive industry knowledge and expertise.

Nina Henningsen is an amazing lawyer. She has a long standing practice in regulated sectors such as gaming and broadcast. She has a great way of judging the legal issues at stake and giving useful advice to clients. She is my go-to person in Denmark without a doubt.

Nina Henningsen is very responsive. She has a great relationship with the Danish Gambling Authority, and her finger is always on the pulse.

Nina Henningsen is always very professional and gives good support in even difficult situations.

Nina Henningsen and the team are always super available and helpful in all aspects to support our company. No matter or issue is too big or small!

Nina Henningsen never fails to amaze me. Her drive, enthusiasm and knowledge, which is unparalleled in the industry, makes for ease of collaboration on any topics requiring advice.

Nina Henningsen is very experienced and has deep knowledge

Headed by Nina Henningsen, the team provides trustworthy and clear advice. Very well connected in the business and with relating to regulators

Nina Henningsen is the queen of media and entertainment

Nina's knowledge in IP and media entertainment is very helpful when dealing with complex litigation matters.

Within the areas of her specialisation, in particular copyrights, Nina is second to none in Denmark.

She offers excellent service and understanding of business.

Nina's commercial vision is very strong.

Nina Henningsen is very well connected.

Nina is a pre-eminent practitioner in Denmark

Nina is an excellent lawyer. She provides a great level of service and her commercial awareness is extremely good

She has an extensive international network and is constantly ahead of the game commercially

Nina is extremely experienced and gives well-thought advice

She is always a pleasure to work with and we feel very confident in the stellar and gold-star service she will provide

The number-one gambling lawyer in Denmark

She has considerable experience advising a broad range of international clients on complex transactional and regulatory matters

She knows the business and has a good understanding of the Danish regulator

Nina Henningsen is a respected practitioner with significant experience in media matters

Sources report that she has 'amazing negotiation skills' and is 'very pragmatic and commercial'

The leading lawyer for gambling issues in Denmark in part due to her ability to 'think outside the box'

She is extremely able and has high ethical standards

Sources are quick to highlight her knowledge of the gaming and gambling sector

Karriere og uddannelse

  • 2019
    Partner (equity), Mazanti-Andersen
  • 2009
    Partner, Horten
  • 1998
    Møderet for landsret
  • 1994
  • 1991
    Cand.jur., Københavns Universitet